Tuesday, June 10, 2008

God Speaks to His Children

Today was a great day at RFKC. Although there were many problems with the camp facility, sick or injured staff, and other non-child issues, camp moved forward. The children played, heard Bible stories, swam, created crafts and enjoyed the outdoors. It was a great day where kids just got to be kids!

At the evening activity, I felt impressed to share about God's love during difficult times. I spoke about the pain, shame, hurt and loss involved with foster care. The children listened attentively and soberly. As I shared, I watched the faces of kids as they reflected on there experiences in foster care. The mood changed from extreme joy to deep reflection.
Through the RFKC curriculum, the kids learned that "Jesus wants me on His team" and "Jesus sees the best in me". I jumped off from these two strong statements and let them know that He does this based on His great love. Additionally, I let them know that the camp, each volunteer staff, and the entire week was destined by God to share His love, acceptance and hope.

Following the evening activity, the children were released to their cabins for bed. One girl stayed behind with her counselor and cried. I went to the girl and she shared her sadness over being apart from her parents and siblings. I gave her a hug and we discussed God's word from the Beatitudes that God comforts those that mourn. As we talked, her countenance changed as God began to speak comfort to her heart. Suddenly, RFKC was not just a "camp" but a reality where God speaks. She heard Him and felt His comfort. We prayed for her comfort and peace and she began to smile.

As she was walking off to her cabin one of our staff asked if she was having fun. She quickly replied, "Yes!" accompanied by a big smile. It is amazing to watch God comfort his children with His love and grace. A little girl went from despair to hope as she heard the good news of Jesus' love. She went from sadness to joy as people shared her pain and offered comfort. Now, she is armed with the strength and hope to tackle her fears. She knows that God will never leave her and that there are safe people that will help in trial. This is what RFKC is all about.

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